New: 90% of proceeds go to Mary Ann Winiger, and 10% to me (Ayla). Mary Ann asked if she could give 10% to me, and after carefully feeling into it (I highly enjoy the experience of agenda-less selling), I responded yes. The 10% is a symbolic amount and small enough for me to protect my integrity.

I intend to let this be a growing library of resources. Season 3 of 'Diary of a Generator’ will be released next. (probably - because you never know…)

Want more?

All the episodes in the seasons were previously aired on Jovian Archive Radio. They were called “Spontaneous somethings”, and in these audios, Mary Ann talks in a free-flowing and intuitive way.

If you’re looking for a more structured approach, the masterclasses will give you that.

The source

Where to start with the resources? I can only give you my personal answer to that, and that is: THE BOOK! And the class on the Mind cracked me open.

And of course, your answer might be different from mine.

The best start