Communication without resistance - audio masterclass
1 hour and 41 minutes
"Communication isn't just about words. It’s our aura that communicates our essence."
What Mary Ann discusses:
Are we initiating if we start a conversation?
The communication power of your aura - with examples
Practical tips for smoother communication in relationships
Why MGs need to be extra careful in their communication
The power of sacral sessions for (Manifesting) Generators + a how-to
One question that can make a big difference in your daily conversations
Specific communication advice for Manifestors, Generators, and Projectors
How to optimize the communication between (M) Generators and Projectors
The art of communicating ‘in a yin - or receptive - way’ (because we’re designed to be predominantly yin)
Audio file with the class (mp3) - 1h and 41min
Powerpoint presentation
Ayla: Human Design and communication - there was a lot of confusion in me around that. When do I speak as a Manifesting Generator? Is it fully based on response? Am I still speaking too much and how do I know? I took in a lot of Human Design materials, but I cannot remember finding any clear instructions on communication. This class discusses it all, and it shook me when I heard it for the first time. Mary Ann’s clarity around this topic has helped me to step into a ‘whole new era of communication’. I’ve seen how easily I dissipate my energy through speaking and it has resulted in me treating my own words - and energy - with much more care and respect.