Season 3: Diary of a Generator - business, money & the heart center


8 audio episodes - 2 hours and 40 minutes (total)

How do you stay connected to your own truth when you're engaging with some of the most conditioned areas in life: business & money?

Mary Ann shares openly how she learns to approach her business without getting too attached to the outcomes, about some (seemingly) foolish money decisions she made, the different kinds of confidence that come out of the defined and the undefined heart center, about offering Human Design in your own way - whether others approve with it or not, and about deconstructing old money stories.

"It feels like money is treated like a God on this planet. But for me, nothing trumps my inner authority. It’s number one."


  • 8 audio episodes - length between 14 and 25 minutes

  • see below for a full list of the episodes. good news: most of them are suited for each Type and not just for (Manifesting) Generators.

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List of Episodes

E1 Business opportunities - from zero to 100 and back
A rich episode: Mary Ann gives us a frequency template of how you can stay grounded and sane throughout the big ups and downs of your business.

E2 "Foolish" money decisions
Several examples of decisions Mary Ann made through response that others might label as “dumb money decisions” but that felt very right to her.

E3 Gate 21 and the art of taking control
People with
gate 21 are here to be materially independent. Mary Ann shares why she thinks this is both a very challenging and powerful gate to have in your chart.

E4 Inner authority & our (business) direction
Mary Ann tells us about the backlash that came with following her inner authority in her small Human Design business (and life). She also has an interesting take on the Human Design ‘splinter groups’ that pop up everywhere.

E5 Taking risks, the financial crisis & mental money stories
About the 2027 shift, taking the -correct- risks, navigating financial insecurity, and how the mind always wants more. (but what do we truly need?)

E6 My experience with the (un)defined heart ∞
After 9 years into the experiment, Mary Ann finally grasps how deep the undefined Heart conditioning goes. She also shares about the beauty & pitfalls of the defined Heart.

E7 Rave new year & the power of fantasies
This episode isn’t directly about business and money - but oh so relevant. It’s about all the expectations we can have in life (and business) and how allowing ourselves to fantasize can take the edge off these expectations.

E8 Job security - change, chaos & trusting yourself
Love this one. Mary Ann tells us about the 2027-shift, the gifts of chaos, and transcending the paradigm of “winning and losing in life”.

∞ = suited for all Types


  • Want to listen to one of the episodes to see if this is for you? You can listen for free to episode 9 here.

  • These are non-linear audios full of storytelling. They are not deep dives into the topics mentioned, Mary Ann’s point is not to explain things in detail. Rather, she’s here to share a treasure trove full of experiential wisdom.

Ayla - It’s not often that Mary Ann shares about business and money and I’m so glad she did in these audios. Her wisdom has supported me tremendously in my own wild and challenging business journey.